The Golfito Field Station

Golfito, Costa Rica

Km 32, Golfito

Laboratory equipment

- Spectrophotometer
- Microscopes, stereoscopes
- Refrigerators / Freezer
- Precision ovens
- Precision scales
- PH meter
- Light meter
- Vaccum pump
- Stirring plate
- Foliage dryer
- Salinity refractometer
- Glassware
- Computers
- Ample working space

In addition, we arrange your
Lodging and meals*

    We provide all the support to formalize research permits from the Costa Rican government.  In addition, we provide logistic support to access your research site.  And of course, researchers have access to our lab and field equipment.

Fundación UdG (ProSur)


Comités ProSur

Que hacemos

Investigadores Ticos son muy bienvenidos. Escríbanos!  ...

Para buscar informacion académica, usar buscador abajo.
Google Scholar

The Golfito Field Station is open to researchers of any field.   Groups are welcome, yet advanced planning is required.   The Station is ideally located in a rural setting yet close to town.  Students and faculty are housed in the Km23 field site, where they also have their meals. 

Contact Information:

Please, e-mail us at

Copyright © 1999-2019 — Fundacion UdG (ProSur).  Derechos Reservados, All rights reserved.
Publicado por Oficina de Divulgacion, Fundacion UdG (ProSur), Golfito 60701, COSTA RICA

Actualizado: 20 junio, 2019